
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Day 2 Forest life


New Zealand is just one of many countries that has amazing plants and trees. In fact, the African desert is home to some pretty incredible plants, like the cactus. Some cacti are able to survive on as little as 3 millilitres (ml) of water a day. Wow!
Let’s imagine that you are given a cactus for your birthday. To keep it alive, you must give it 3 ml of water every day.
Over one full year, how much water will you need to give your cactus plant?
On your blog, tell us how to solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image, or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer in millilitres (ml).

1095 mls
Carnegiea gigantea in Saguaro National Park near Tucson, Arizona during November (58).jpg
Photo credit - W.Clarke West Saguaro National Park around Sombrero Mountain near Tucson, Arizona in November 2016.

If I was given a cactus for my birthday my answer would be to give it 1095 mls for a full year. The way I got this answer is I multiplied 3 mls by the days of the year. There are 365 days in 1 year and my total was 1095. I got my answer by getting help from the google calculator on my chromebook😁 I put in 3 x 365 and it came up with 1095.


  1. Mauri Jahrey,

    I like that you've used a picture to complement your post and you've also made sure that you've attributed it properly, ka pai.

    I can see that you've found an equation for this problem which is great, however you have not shown how you worked the problem out. How did you know that 3 x 365 equals 1095? Please edit your post to show your working, I would love to award you full points for this activity when you have done so.

    Sometimes math can be very tricky, however I know you can do this. :) Well done on starting the Summer Learning Journey! I look forward to reading your edited post showing your working. :)

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

    Ms Tokuma.

    1. Hi Miss Tokuma thank you I went and edited my answer can you tell me if thats ok. And Miss Tokuma can you help me please I want to publish my other work its for day 1 activity 3. I forgot how to put my google slide work on my blog page. Please can you help thanks Jahrey.

    2. Hi Jahrey,

      Thank you for letting me know how you got your answer. Have you tried solving it with a pen and a paper? If you have, feel free to post your working out on your blog post.

      Yes, I can help you with embedding a google slide presentation. First open your presentation, then follow the steps below.
      1. Go to 'file' then click 'Publish to the web'
      2. There are two tabs that pop up, they are: 'link' and 'embed', click embed
      3. After clicking embed, click the blue 'Publish' button.
      4. The Publish button will now say 'Published' and some text will appear in the text box above the 'Published' button.
      5. Copy all the text in that box and paste it on your draft post in HTML mode (not 'Compose'). This should do it.

      Hope this makes sense and it helps you. Good luck and keep up the good work Jahrey.

      Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

      Ms Tokuma.


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