
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Day 2 Forest life


One of the most common plants found in New Zealand forests is the fern. It is a special, iconic symbol of New Zealand. You will find pictures of ferns on the jerseys of many famous sporting teams in New Zealand, including the New Zealand All Blacks.
Did you know that many of these teams also have the word ‘fern’ in their name? Use your best researching skills to find three New Zealand sporting teams who use the word ‘fern’ in their title.
On your blog list three sports teams that have the word ‘fern’ in their title. Beside each team’s name, post a picture of their uniform. Then, at the bottom of your blog post tell us which of the three uniforms you like best and why.

Here are my 3 New Zealand sports teams that I found and I think are pretty cool.
1. Silver Ferns. This is New Zealands Netball team.
Image result for silver ferns uniform
Photo credit silver ferns

2. Black Ferns. This is New Zealands womens rugby team.
The NZ women touched down in Auckland this morning after securing back-to-back titles on Sunday in San Francisco.
Photo credit source 1 News

3. Football Ferns. This is New Zealands women football team.
Related image
Photo credit - Danny Hay ,

The team with the best uniform I would choose will be the Football Ferns. I like the white uniforms I think they look cool and not only that because my favourite sport is soccer. It would be cool to play and get all dirty in the mud and the white just looks cool and it stands out. I think black is too common for a uniform colour. I like how the numbers on the shirts are silver I think that is different.


  1. Hey there Jahrey, my name is Billy and I am from the Summer Learning Journey team. It's awesome to see that you've completed so many activities since the start of the year! Keep it up.

    Thank you for sharing three different sports teams from New Zealand. They all have really striking uniforms. I think you're right, black uniforms are too common. The white is unique. I also really like the silver numbers - that's a nice change from the usual black and white combination.

    I find that the football uniform has less advertising on it as well. Sometimes company logos can ruin sports uniforms.

    Which team would you most want to play for? I play soccer and can confirm, it is really fun getting muddy.

    Thanks, Billy.


    1. Hi Billy thanks for checking out my work. I love soccer too just like you and I really want to play for a team I keep asking my mum and shes been looking around.I play soccer at home in the backyard and my parents got me a soccerball and a soccer net for christmas I really like it and Im getting better now at doing tricks and scoring goals.I think if I was to play for a team I would choose a NZ team so I can represent our country.Do you play for a team or just for fun?Thanks Jahrey

    2. Hi again Jahrey, sorry for the late response. I have only been working for the SLJ team for a few hours each week. Glad to see that you're replying to comments as well as completing lots of activities.

      That's fantastic that you're so keen on football/soccer. I have played for different teams since I was only five years old. However, since moving to London last June I haven't had an opportunity to play. I really miss it though! Perhaps I should join a local team here.

      Thanks and keep up the soccer/football skills,

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