
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Week 1 Day 3 Activity 2 The secretive skink

Activity 2: The Secretive Skink [4 points]
We have a number of small lizards (geckos and skinks) living in New Zealand. One of the least common is the Chevron Skink. According to the Department of Conservation, Chevron Skinks live mostly on two islands - Great Barrier Island and Little Barrier Island. These islands are ‘animal reserves.’ Very few people, other than staff working for the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC), are allowed to live there. The DOC staff are called ‘Rangers.’ Their job is to protect the wildlife (animals and plants) living on the island.
Would you like to be a DOC ranger and live with the animals on Great Barrier Island?

On your blog list three pros (good things) and three cons (bad things) about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not.


1. Helping to protect all the animals on Great Barrier Island.
2. You get to see cool animals living at the Great Barrier Island.
3. Helping to protect all the plants on Great Barrier Island.

1. It can be dangerous because you might get hurt from the animals.
2. It will be lonely because you have no family and friends.
3. There might be people hunting the animals and I might get hurt

Yes I would want to be a doc ranger so I can help other animals and other living things on the Island.I want to help keep the animals and plants safe because I love animals.I will miss my family and my friends and my dog Sage but I will still want to do the job to take care of the animals and making sure they are healthy and strong.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jahrey,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team reading your blog from home in wintry Canada.

    I think you've given great pros and cons for being a DOC ranger. Certainly the rangers must be people who are prepared to work on their own at times. And there's always a risk involved in that, isn't there? I'm glad that you think you'd be willing to do important work, even if there are some aspects of the job that you'd find challenging. Good for you!

    Of course, your dog Sage would find it hard why you would leave home! I have a dog named Spirit and she always wants to go wherever I'm going. She hates being left behind! But sometimes we just have work to do where we can't take her.

    I admire the DOC rangers. They are brave and hard working people. Perhaps you'll follow that path yourself one day.

    Meanwhile, have a super summer day and I hope you'll keep working on these Summer Learning Journey activities. You're doing a great job!!



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